We Will Be Open February 25th - March 2nd For Texas Independence Day!!

Fireworks Safety

  • Use fireworks outdoors only.
  • Obey local laws. If fireworks are not legal where you live, do not use them.
  • Have an adult present.
  • Never give fireworks to small children.
  • Never throw or point fireworks at other people.
  • Never carry fireworks in your pocket.
  • Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass containers.
  • Be cautious of lighting any fireworks during strong wind conditions.
  • Only use fireworks as intended. Don't try to alter them or combine them.
  • Always have water handy. (A hose or bucket).
  • Never relight a dud firework. Wait 20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water.
  • The use of fireworks often can terrify animals. Make this event less traumatic for them.
    Consider moving the animals away or keeping them inside during your display.